Environmental, social and governance

Environmental sustainability

我们致力于增进当代人和子孙后代的福祉, 我们通过在公司内部和客户之间推动积极的实践来证明这一承诺, colleagues and communities.

我们培育可持续发展的社区,通过在公司内部和客户中推动积极的环境实践,提高当代人和后代的福祉, colleagues and communities.


Infusing environmental stewardship into our culture

在RSM, we define stewardship as leaving the world better than we found it, and we recognize that the actions of our people, both personally and professionally, make a significant impact on the environment.



Reducing and monitoring our GHG emissions

我们认识到发展和沟通我们对环境影响的重要性. Our greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory, which highlights our material scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, is developed using guidance from the GHG Protocol.

Collaborating with strategic ecosystems

战略生态系统包括一系列更广泛的互利关系,使我们能够代表公司贡献和获得价值, 客户, colleagues and communities. 这些关系使我们能够加强我们的环保努力,同时加深我们与志同道合的企业的关系.

Environmental sustainability at RSM

Digitized annual report

To reduce our use of paper, we moved to an all-digital experience for our annual reports, 添加引人注目的交互式组件,并使所有利益相关者都可以通过我们的网站轻松访问它们.